Super Bowl Party? Feed a hungry crown with these Football savvy recipes!
Super easy, and way cute!
I bought a football loaf pan, but have used it a ton!
Your favorite bread recipe will do, if your family will eat rye or darker breads, it would be even better. This is mine.
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp yeast
1/2 cup oil
3 cups hot tap water
Mix well
Add gradually 3 or 4 more cups flour.
Knead really well, til its elasticity and not to sticky.
Let rise 2 hours
Make into 2 –3 loaves of bread let rise two more hours.
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
Remove from pans immediately and let cool.
*** This recipe originally comes from Marjori Reay from Jaffray, BC, Canada, this is my small version of it***
Take ½ to a 1/3 of the dough and put it in your football pan, let rise as you would normal bread, then bake. With the rest of the bread, you can make more loaves, buns or cinnamon buns!!! Yumm!
Once cooled, carefully slice in half and make a sub with whatever you wish. To give it the football look, use mozzarella or any white cheese you can slice and put your lines and threads on.
Trust me the men in your life will think you’re the best!
Take your same loaf pan and make a cake, then star pipe it (I used a #14 tip) with chocolate butter cream, use white for lines and threads.
Butter cream Icing
- 1/2 cup vegetable shortening
- 1/2 cup butter or margarine softened
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
- 2 tablespoons milk
Whip the butter and shortening, add vanilla and mix in the sugar then milk. Mix really well. *** Take some out for your white details and set that aside***
Add ½ cup of cocoa and mix really well (if you were not needing white, I would mix in the cocoa with the icing sugar). Add brown gel colouring if you wish a true brown.
(In a rush? Just use store bought, it’ll be fine)
More Dessert!
Football Cocoa Cereal Treat
· 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
· 1 package (10oz) mini marshmallows
· 6 cups Chocolate cereal (whichever you prefer, cocoa krispies or cocoa flakes)
Melt the butter or margarine in a saucepan over medium heat, add the marshmallows and stir until melted (add brown gel if you wish to have a darker football) mix in the cereal and mix well. Put the mixture into your lightly buttered football mold. Once it sets, flip it out and and use your white butter cream to pipe your lines and threads on.
How about Football cake pops?
Bake your favorite cake (9X13).
Cool it, then crumble it. Mix ¾ of a can of icing in it. Mix well.
Shape into small footballs, don’t make them too big, I use the medium pampered scoop as a measuring tool. Let cool for a couple hours or throw in the freezer for a few minutes.
Dip your stick in a bit of melted chocolate, then ½ - ¾ of the way into the football, then dip into the chocolate.
Stick into Styrofoam til chocolate hardens. Use white chocolate in a small squeeze tube bottle to drizzle on threads.
Football cupcakes!
Use your favourite cake mix, and a mini football cake mold!
I iced mine in chocolate butter cream, which was a nightmare, so I would use a star tip and pipe the icing on, then use white to pipe on the threads.
Be prepared to be invited to every Super Bowl Party!
A word on the molds, a football mold is surprisingly versatile, so don’t be afraid to splurge on them. I have used the minis to make flowers and the big one can be anything!!
Posted by Heather M
looks good!